Freitag, 17. September 2010

farming, said, A type,

farming, said, A type, B type and AB type blood of pregnant women, fetal hemolytic disease generally does not occur; only the O-blood of pregnant women, fetal hemolytic christian louboutin disease will occur. hemolytic disease also known as the mother of child blood group incompatibility, the body of the fetus if the mother and the mother's blood type is different from the mother's body equivalent to be , mainly as jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia. symptoms of slow light, the body condition affect small; serious rapid progression, drowsiness, anorexia, and even bilirubin encephalopathy or death. farming that Although the hemolytic disease of the baby's health are certain hazards, but through scientific monitoring and treatment, the high probability of cure. Tips parents decided their children blood type we all know, a person's Xuexing half from the mother and christian louboutin shoes half from the father, to know blood group of parents, the child may be able to infer the blood.
Of course, blood examination identified only as a secondary genetic basis or rely on the most accurate DNA checks. view the impact of blood type blood type of the character study, from In a sense, not only with medicine, biochemistry, but also determine a person's personality, temperament and fate. scientific knowledge of the use of blood type can help us properly handle the relationship, the United States series, dealing with family problems and coordinate, but also guide our choice of occupation and so on. A type mm Type A perfectionist christian louboutin sale who has for the community, for others a sense of mission and responsibility, they attached particular importance to the views of others and evaluate their own, discreet, others with sincerity and deep and subtle, emotional not exposed. A perfect type of people advocating and striving for perfection, but the shortcomings and inadequacies of mind too easily become a pessimist;

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