Sonntag, 26. September 2010

Experience by

experience by: a small celebration years old with mild pelvic inflammatory disease I sometimes feel lower abdominal discomfort, a slight bulge sense, especially in the herve leger period to come before the - days, I feel very clear. to the time period, there will dysmenorrhea, menstrual flow did not have pelvic inflammatory disease earlier than larger. Although pelvic inflammatory disease now seems to me life is not much impact, but I'm afraid if indifferent, then it will become increasingly serious in the end affect fertility would be too uneconomical. I hear that a pelvic physical therapy massage, pelvic inflammatory disease have some herve leger dress of the conditioning help, and very easy.
This is not, I have to rush to try ah. experience project: physical therapy pelvic physiotherapy for pelvic inflammatory disease, drug ion guide to financial technology, the role of pelvic apparatus, using thermal effect increases the body's absorption of the drug, so drug-ion direct lesion sites, except you can dehumidify hot, improve treatment, lesions, direct sterilization, and promote pelvic circulation, enhance immunity pelvis. while also improving the local blood circulation, with in the treatment of qi stagnation, gynecology abnormal vaginal discharge, itching embolism. natural herbs can accelerate detoxification, improving the environment in vivo, in vitro Pathogenic Heat and herve leger bandage dress Toxin Removal of heat emission, and to regulate and stimulate the body's own lymphatic tissue, so that the body condition balance. experience steps: , negative guest prone

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